Vaihdoinpa kortit taas vähäksi aikaa ja nyt olisi tarkoitus kurkata Earth Magic- korteista aina päivän energiat. Tänään on sumua ilmassa.
FOG - Veiled
“Fog is simply a low cloud, a blanket of water crystals that has
not gained the density of raindrops. The thicker it is, the more it
shrouds in it’s damp, billowy arms. It can be so thik that it makes it
nearly impossible to see directly in front of us. During those times,
silence makes its own sound as we pause and allow ourselves to be
enveloped in this shroud of impenetrable density. We may even feel as if
we can do nothing but be still and await what is to be revealed.
Yet even within the thickest fog, we can be assured that it will
eventually turn off as the sun’s rays infiltrate the veil. Once they do
so, we can anticipate how the light and warmth will bring us welcome
relief from the cold. As the sun continues to disperse the fog, our
surroundings become illuminated, and we have the opportunity to continue
You are enmeshed in confusion and uncertainty, and are unsure if
it will ever clear up. This is not the best time to make decisions,
particularly any major ones. Know that this foggy veil will eventually
dissolve. Although there may be ways you are unconsciously contributing
to this state, the greater truth is that this is simply a cycle you are
moving through, and like all things, this too shall pass.
Allow yourself to feel confused – in fact, decide to be confused.
No matter what attempts you make right now to make things happen or
move in any specific direction out of impatience or frustration, you
risk only creating more confusion and uncertainty. So be still and
patient. Wait for that first glimmer of awareness to life the veil so
that you can see the choices before you more clearly and can then choose
to align yourself with the will of Spirit.”
Sumuista sunnuntaita Sinulle!
Kyselit blogissani, odotanko joulua. Kyllä odotan! Tänä vuonna vielä erityisesti, sillä saamme viettää joulun pitkästä aikaa yhdessä kaikkien lasten ja lastenlasten kanssa. Tytär miehineen tulee Brasiliasta jouluun viettoon Suomeen. Tytär on moneen kertaan varmistanut, että onhan meillä se perinteinen joulu, joulu niin kuin sitä on vietetty jo hänen lapsuudessaan. Onhan meillä. Siihen kuuluu myös, että äiti saa hepulikohtauksen jossain vaiheessa jouluaattoa, kun kukaan ei mukamas osallistu joulupöydän valmisteluun. Hepuli auttaa ja sitten kaikki ovat touhukkaina mukana :)
VastaaPoistaVoi miten kivalta kuulostaa saada kaikki koolle :-) Ihanaa joulun odotusta Sinulle!