Tänään teemakortiksi nousee kiehtova
EAGLE - Communion
“Here the man and the eagle make contact through their eyes and
spirits. The man has performed a ceremonial calling to Eagle Brother,
who now comes to him as a familiar friend. It is an intimate
relationship between human being and feathered being, one of both spirit
and flesh. Yet it is ultimately this deep spiritual kinship that
connects them, formed from their recognition of the sacredness of this
Eagle Spirit is often associated with highest and noblest,
encouraging us to let our spirits soar. Through this communion, we know
that we can touch the sky. We know that we can be more than just
two-legged creatures clinging to the ground. We are intimately related
to all of Live on the planet, and it is through communing with any
expression of Life that we realize how vitally connected we all are.
Whenever you experience a heartfelt communion with some physical
expression of Life – plant, animal, human, or anything else – it is only
then that you can truly feel how your life force is similar to the life
force that is all around you. It is only a matter of the differences in
form. An essence is articulated into the physical world in a multitude
of ways that is the same in everything and everyone, although it
manifests in various shapes and characteristics. This essence is Spirit
emanating from the core of all things.
Communion with Nature is essential for you now. Take some time to do an open-eyed meditation with any nearby animal or plant.
Relax your body as much as possible, breathe, consciously, and keep
your attention of the life form you are communing with. After a few
moments, you will notice a sense of the boundaries dissolving, a melding
of the “I” and “Thou.” You may even receive messages or impressions as
you find yourself in the flow of unspoken communication.”
Tässäkin puhutaan luontoyhteydestä. Se on kyllä tärkeää ja voimaannuttavaa.
Eilen aloittelin uutta päivää. Kävin kaksi kertaa lenkillä, aamupäivällä ja illalla. Olin meren rannalla, metsän siimeksessä. Näin kaksi kertaa punaturkkisen upean ketun. Otin pari valokuvaakin. Oli ihanaa. Taidan tänään tehdä saman. Vaikka ilma onkin paljon harmaampi nyt.
Ihanaa päivää Sinulle!
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