perjantai 20. syyskuuta 2024




Tänään Korteista nousi WIND

wind activation

"The lethargy you feel is the result of a lack of activation – in other world, something that stirs your senses. This could be anything from walking outdoors, feeling the breeze on your body, or inhaling the different aromas that Nature herself provides. Or is could be finding the pleasure in a warm bath that helps you release the tension and stress from your mind and body. Music may activate your hearing, which sparks the pleasure centers in your brain. Art may activate your emotional responses. The touch of another human may activate a deep need to be physically held in some manner once again.

Now is the time for action. Engage in some activity and be fully present so that you forget about your surroundings and enter into that timeless and multidimensional experience of union with the focus of your creative attention. Let you physical body be active. Movement alone – whether quietly dancing by yourself or hiking up that hill over yonder – will require you to be as present as possible in your body. Enjoy!"


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