Tänään Earth Magic- pakasta meitä opastavat
ANCESTORS - Generations
"You have within you the blood of your ancestors. You are deeply
connected to your lineage, the most immediate proof of that being the
physical resemblance you have to your mother and father and perhaps even
your grandparents. Yet beyond that, although unknown to your usual
senses, you are connected to an ancestry that reaches back through the
millennia. This is the time to call upon those ancestors, those who are
of your bloodline as well as those ancient ones who have walked the land
that you now walk.
In many indigenous cultures, it is believed that the essence of your
ancestors inhabits many of the physical aspects of the land. In other
words, they are in the trees, the water, the air, the animals, the
stones-their blood being in the very dirt and sand you tread upon.
Next time you are outside, allow your senses to open to those
ancestors who abide in the physical world. And anytime at all, allow
your heart to open to those spirits to whom you are related through your
heredity and those to whom you are connected by virtue of the land upon
which you live."
Näillä mennään. Tämä kortti ei ole mielestäni mitenkään kaunis, eikä puhuttelevat mutta sanomaltaan ja tekstiltään tämä on vallan mainio.
Minä vielä sairastelen ja yritän kohentaa oloa milloin milläkin. Tämmöistä tämä sitten on. Enpä tiedä. Valvoin siinä sivussa melkein koko yön ja nyt onkin ihan pähkähullu olotila. Plaah. Kai tämä tästä. En ole malttanut levätä kunnolla.
Ihanaa päivää Sinulle!
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