torstai 3. lokakuuta 2024



Tämän päivän teemana on WOLF

"You have lost touch with your instinctual sensitivities. It is the result of cultural and / or religious proscriptions dictating that anything wild and instinctual is threatening and therefore, has to be controlled or eliminated. Now is the time to overcome this limited mindset and tune into these instinctual cures. Let the Spirit of the Wolf be your teacher, and call upon this benevolent being for help identifying what those specific cues are saying.

Shed some of your inhibitions with the only guideline being to ‘do no harm’. Experiment by getting out of the straitjacket of familiar societal norms and listening to those sensations in your gut that are trying to give you a message. It may be a warning or an urging to take action of some sort. Take some deep breaths, and simply notice what your bodily sensations are telling you. Your mind will be the receiver of that information and your body and mind can learn to work more closely with each other once again."


Mukavaa päivää Sinulle!

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