Eilisen sähköisen tunnelman jälkeen on hyvä mennä hengittämään raikasta ilmaa METSÄÄN.
“As we make our way across the meadow to the thicker parts of
the forest, there is a subtle shift in the sensations in the body, one
that might initially be barely perceptible but soon becomes undeniable.
It’s nearly impossible not to take deeper breaths. The richness of the
forest’s oxygen, given freely and generously from the trees (the
Standing Ones) to us, is a natural exchange for the carbon dioxide we
release every time we exhale. Further, the animals of the forest
participate in this exchange as well in what is one of the most
miraculous and remarkable collaborations between plants and animals that
serve to help each other live and thrive.
The ratio of this oxygen to carbon dioxide exchange has been in
balance for millennia but has been changing quite dramatically in the
last several years as carbon dioxide levels have been rising. Yet there
are many parts of the world where we can still enjoy the refreshing and
revitalizing effects of an afternoon enjoying the sights, sounds, and
smells of a walk in the forest.
Through prayer and action, we can express our gratitude to these
tree beings for the many gifts they provide, not the least of which is
contributing to the very air we breathe. Things are different after a
walk in the forest.
Your breathing is too shallow. Although it may feel natural, it
is an unhealthy habit that causes this shortness of breath. When you
subconsciously shorten your breath, no matter if this is habitual or
triggered by some event or circumstance, it activates certain
physiological signals that prepare your system for “fight or flight.”
Another conditioned response to perceived danger is to hold your breath.
This is your survival response, although it does not serve you to do
So… breathe! Inhale deeply, regardless of your concerns, worries,
or problems; then let it go. Next, allow yourself to breathe a little
deeper and slower a few times. Remember that every breath you inhale is a
gift, and every breath you exhale is a gift. The forest is a clear
reminder of how this works.”
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